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Kid-Sized Valentines Ideas

To extend love to the children of your world,here are a few ideas: Younger than 10

  • Heart shaped pancakes or sandwiches
  • Hide the hearts (This is played much like an Easter egg hunt but with candy heart—or a healthier option would be heart shaped paper doilies with promises of fun memories with mom and dad on them.)
  • “I Love You” sentences- Play a game with candy conversation hearts and write messages to one another.
  • Check books out of the library that express love, “Runaway Bunny, Goodnight moon, I’ll Love You Forever” and buy some pj’s with hearts and end the day with some loving cuddle moments.
  • If they are reading, place hearts all along their path with encouraging words like “You are the best!” , “What a smart kid you are!”, “ So glad you are my son/daughter”, etc. Older than 10This is a perfect time to re-inforce spiritual growth. Buy them a CD or DVD on the theme of “love for God” or invest in a teen book to help them dig in with God (our publisher, Tyndale has many devotionals for teens). Or get them a book to help them make great decisions in life and love (like Guys are Waffles, Girls are Spaghetti). Perhaps you can use this time to have them complete the Teen Relationship Contract (available at and reward them for completing this questionnaire with a night out at the restaurant of his or her choice.

    We give our kids a key chain and an ID bracelet when they complete the Teen Relationship Contract and on both are the words “Until the Day” and 1 Thes. 4:3 which says, This is God’s will that you abstain from sexual immorality. (They see the reminder each time they drive the car or wear the bracelet. They might also prefer a purity ring—let them pick out the best token that will remind him or her to make wise choices. ) We let our kids order anything they want off the menu on this day!

    More ideas to help tweens, teens and college students make great relationship choices are in our books:

    Got Teens? and 10 Best Decisions Every Parent Can Make.

You will definitely be a hit if you wow your teen with tickets to their favorite Christian concert, a shopping expedition with you, or cook him or her their favorite meal complete with a card explaining why you think they are the best teen ever! Or use red or pink sticky notes and write encouraging words, compliments, and other fun items and post them all along their path throughout the day proclaiming your love and God’s love for him or her.

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