We were interviewed by a magazine on how to keep the fun and laughs in…
Hope for Today, Tomorrow and Forever
One of my personal highlights this year was the joy of teaching on Psalm 42 and 43 at Engedi, the beautiful refreshing oasis and shelter where David penned this hope-filled, raw and honest poem for the ragged, tired, overwhelmed, discouraged soul. I (Pam) am offering an online Facebook Live Bible study of Discovering Hope in the Psalms April 8 – May 27 (I would LOVE to have you join me. Praying God fills your life with HOPE. Register today.) If you have ever felt a bit hopeless, or felt like you were discourage, depressed or drowning in life’s overwhelming hard times—I just uploaded a blog with some of the hope from my favorite psalm of hope sent with love from Engedi—to your heart, home and life:
Ever feel like you are drowning in bad news? Are the tough times are coming at you one right after another like a torrential down pour? Is all the negativity and stress making you feel like you can’t even get a breath? Yeah, me too. And that is exactly how the author of Psalms 42 felt.
While I was writing my portion of my new book, Discovering Hope in the Psalms: A Creative Bible Study Experience, life felt like I was caught under the great Niagara Falls and the pressures were forcing me down, down, down….hopeless…breathless… helpless…..It was an onslaught of pressures… (click to find the hope Psalm 42 & 43 can bring to YOU! )
Hope for Your Body
My friends, Danna Demtre and Robyn Thomson just released a great book for all of us women over 40—Eat. Live. Thrive. Danna, a nurse turned wellness coach, was one of the first women to help me make some first steps to health, wellness, strength and a leaner life more than a decade ago. I quote Danna in several of my books: 7 Simple Skills for Every Woman: Success in Keeping It All Together and 10 Secrets for Living Smart, Savvy and Strong. Her motivating phrase that God used to help me make strides forward was: “Small Steps add up in a big way over time.” I endorsed Eat. Live. Thrive. and I also recommend her Eat Live Thrive Academy, a community of women over 40 who want to live longer and stronger and seek to encourage each other to keep an ageless living mindset. (FYI—hard to believe Danna is in her 60’s! A very healthy Nana! She inspires me—she will inspire you too!)
“Danna and Robyn have created a practical, encouraging, and vital resource that every woman needs to take her health and vitality to the next level. If you want to live longer and stronger, and be more vibrant, you should read this transforming book!”
—Pam Farrel, codirector of Love-Wise and best-selling author
Hope for Him
Bill is speaking on Disruptive Grace and The Disruptive Path for Promise Keepers Canada. Guys, you can listen to these messages LIVE and IN PERSON in Winsor on April 6th (Check out the Promise Keepers Canada website for many messages from Bill for men. Or think ahead to Father’s Day and grab a copy of one of Bill’s books for men: 10 Best Decisions a Man Can Make or 7 Simple Skills for Men.
“I have watched my husband press forward and lead under some very stressful circumstances: building a home while launching into leadership as head pastor at age 28 (racing the stork to finish the home he was hammering up to before baby # 3 came); Leading at home, in the community, and as a pastor all while being an international speaker/writer and he always managed to keep me and the kids a priority all while serving the church and community; Remodeling and the sale of our home, all while handling our Love-Wise ministry responsibilities while caring for his aging parents (this past week he managed 3 days of intense caregiving to set a plan in place for his parents so they are well cared for while we minister in conference work. If you want a role model of a man who rallies, who perseveres, and presses forward, a real overcomer, then check out the teachings and messages of Bill—I have a front row seat—his life is worth the watch.”- Pam
Please keep us in prayer at this vital juncture of our life—it is a delicate balance to manage caregiving with our work, ministry, family and marital life. Millions of Boomers are at this life stage, so also pray for us as we decide how to best minister to those in life’s Part B.
“I will be your God throughout your lifetime — until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you” (Isaiah 46:4)
Hope for Your Family
We will be bringing you guest blogs more often– especially when they connect to topics and resources we have penned. Today’s is a beautiful full color book for parents of tweens and teens. It is a nice complement to our book “Got Teens?” co-authored with Jill Savage. So meet Letitia Suk, author of 100 Need-to-Know-Tips for Moms of Tweens and Teens.
Here is some wisdom from Letitia on 6 ways to make your home teen-friendly!
Be That Home! Tips # 33 from “100 Need to Know Tips for Moms of Tweens and Teens”
Be that home that shines as a light of love to your tweens and teens and their friends!
…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matt 5:16)
Hope for Mom
I am SO excited that Discovering Joy in Philippians will be releasing in May. If you’d like me to send one to your mom (or to YOU—Mom!) You can preorder now! This beautiful bible study has the deep, rich Bible teaching of my friend Jean E Jones (if you like Kay Arthur or Beth M0ore, you will love Jean!) and if also has the LOVELY art (and coloring pages) of my talented friend Karla Dornacher. I write the CHOOSING JOY! Devotionals to help you apply this very encouraging book of the Bible to your real daily life! Order an autographed copy for you (or order a stack for the precious women you value) today; order bulk copies at discount for your women’s bible study (email us at info@love-wise.com for bulk orders). Pam is also booking events based on these Discovering bible studies:
Spring, Summer, or Fall:
Joy for Your Journey or Choosing joy! (Women’s teas, Nite of Joy Girlfriend Gatherings, kickoff for summer or fall bible studies, one day conferences, weekend retreats)
Selah: Oasis of Hope: This set of messages bring hope to the heart and life of every woman by helping her dive deeper into the Psalms of Hope. This past year, many audiences have enjoyed these positive, practical and purpose-filled messages at Nite of Hope Girlfriend Gatherings and one day “Selah” conferences, and full hope-filled weekend retreats.
Hope for the Holi-daze: This is a hope filled message weaving the biblical hope of the nativity story, with ministry God led Pam thru from depression and stress to delight and hope during the Christmases of recent years with practical Christmas ideas, traditions and inspirations of HOPE for EVERY woman
Christmas Joy: Merry and Bright: This message takes the best of all of Pam’s books for women and wraps them up with the truths and tips of encouragement, enrichment, inspiration and JOY from her newest book: Discovering Joy in Philippians.
If you are interested in booking Pam for any event for women, email info@love-Wise.com
Hope for Your Marriage
Pam and Bill just wrapped up a month long “snow in love with you” marriage conference tour through some of the winter wonderlands of the USA. You can join them THIS SATURDAY for a Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti Day Date at Shiloh church in Phoenix, for a Love-Wise weekend in South Carolina in May, at Forest Home Family Camp in CA in June, or bring them to your church for a sizzling summer “date night” . Email info@love-wise.com for info on how to bring the Farrels to your church. For almost daily encouragement and enrichment for your marriage and family, “Like” the Pam and Bill Farrel Facebook page or join the Living Love-Wise Community.
Praying this psalm of hope for you and your family today
Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy mountain,
to the place where you dwell. 4 Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight.
I will praise you with the lyre, O God, my God. (Psalm 43:3-4)
Blessings—keep Living Love-Wise!
Pam and Bill Farrel