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A New Kid By Friday?

Question: Who do you look to for wisdom to raise your children?

Answer: One of our favorite parenting mentors has been Dr. Kevin Leman, a no-nonsense, get to the point, practical and Biblical speaker and counselor. Kevin has a quick wit and a fun sense of humor so it makes learning easy and implementing his wisdom very possible.

In his New York Times best-selling book, Have New Kid by Friday and the parents’ video by the same name, Kevin gives wisdom for a week of life-change:

Monday Wake Up to Reality!
Breaking Free from the Parent Trap

Tuesday Caution: Children Growing Up Here!
What Kids Need that Parents Must Deliver

Wednesday Staying Connected to Be Respected
It’s Not an Impossible Dream!

Thursday Check Your Attitude at the Door
Dudes and Dudettes With ‘Tudes Not Permitted Inside!

Friday The Amazing Race for Self Esteem
Raising the Bar of Confidence Without Lowering the Boom of Discouragement

Fun Day “Leman Secrets” for Enjoying the Journey
Little Things Mean a Lot!

We have keynoted alongside Dr. Leman at Hearts at Home and can vouch for his sincere desire to help parents cope – as well as create children who will grow into productive, godly, healthy adults.

Here’s more about the Have a New Kid by Friday DVD:

You’ll laugh out loud as you learn! You’ve read his books; Now see him “up close and personal” in Dr. Leman’s first in-home DVD. You will be entertained. Best of all, you will strengthen your parenting skills. Dr. Kevin Leman is an internationally known Christian psychologist, humorist, TV and Radio personality and speaker. He is former consulting psychologist for Good Morning America and has been a guest on The View, To-day, Fox & Friends and Focus on the Family.

(Listen to an interview with Dr. Kevin Leman on Have a New Kid by Friday).

Just $24.99—and the profit from this will go to help inner city and at risk teen girls who want to be in the Modern Day Princess program (by Pam Farrel and Doreen Hanna)

More parenting helps:

10 Best Decisions  Parent Can Make

Got Teens?

Raising a Modern-Day Princess and Becoming a Modern-Day Princess Journal

Use code “laugh” to get $3 off your Have a New Kid By Friday DVD

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