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Coffee + Conversation = Connection

As we enter the new year, many have reflected on the road ahead. Perhaps you have a few hopes and dreams, maybe you set a few goals and resolutions. And some of those desires might be ones of longing for a more intimate marriage, a stronger and closer family, and a clearer path forward for you, your marriage, family, career and your life.

According to a Finder blog, “An estimated 188.9 million adult Americans (74.02% of the population) say they’re determined to learn something new, make a lifestyle change or set a personal goal in an effort to better themselves in 2021, a 15.17% increase from the previous year.” However good intentioned, Best Life blog cites several studies capturing how most of the population seem unable to reach success in the resolutions they set. In 1988, the University of Scranton found that 77 percent of people who committed to a New Year’s resolution stuck to it for a week, but only 19 percent of those who made resolutions actually fulfilled them within two years. And, according Statista, only four percent of people who made New Year’s resolutions in 2018 said they kept them.

In addition, the ever-changing landscape of 2020 created anxieties and a bit of hopelessness when it comes to goals-setting.

So how can we better ensure we accomplish those hopes, dreams, desires and goals we most value?

Seek Wisdom

Each January, Bill and I set aside a planning day for our ministry and OUR MARRIAGE and FAMILY.

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Eph 5:15-16)

The theme verse for our Love-Wise ministry is:

The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper. (Proverbs 19:8)

To apply wisdom, we want our goals to be S.M.A.R.T.:

Specific (Is the goal precise and not just a wish, desire or a hope?)

Measurable (Have you quantified and broken goals down with actions YOU have freedom to move on?)

Attainable: (Are you stretching in faith so you can see God at work in your life?)

Redeeming (Will his make the world [your life, marriage, family] a better place?)

Timed (Have you set a deadline?)

Stair Step a Plan

In 7 Simple Skills for Every Woman: Success in Getting and Keeping It All Together, I encourage people to turn a dream into reality with the magic of deadlines.

Take your lofty dreams and break them down bite-sized!

Then set a date you want to reach it, then place the time to do the goal into your calendar and daily planner.

Here are two key resources we first used, then developed and honed to help others in creating forward movement in their lives:

Coffee with The Creator

God created EVERYTHING, so He can create a path forward for you!

The Get It Done, Girl: Maximize Your Moments Action Planner is based on the verbs I noted in the Proverbs 31 woman (She could really check off the tasks– and live prioritizing God and people!)  Inside  the Get It Done, Girl planner is a tutorial on learning what makes YOU more productive, and a worksheet to plan your weekly To Do list, as well as a Sunday Selah to reflect back on what worked, what were the wins, what still remains, and how to celebrate God’s working in your life.

Action, not intention, produces success– Greg and Julie Gorman

Latte with Your Love

Marriage Meet Ups is a His and Her 52-week devotional planner for couples who want more passion, purpose and productivity. We have had a Monday Morning Marriage Meeting each week for more than 41 years! We have honed this marriage meet up so it will be a time to look forward to any day of the week! We have added elements to help you gain success in ALL areas of your marriage—the work and the fun!

Coffee + conversation = connection!

We created a planner process that brings couples TOGETHER and moving in unity to strengthen their marriage and family AND achieve and accomplish hopes, dreams, and goals.

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! (Psalms 133:1 NIV)


Bill and Pam Farrel have been happily married (by doing Marriage Meet Ups) for nearly 42 years. Between them, they have authored 52 books, raised three sons and today they still enjoy speaking, writing and coaching as well as enjoy time with those sons, their daughters in love and their 5 granskids. (They are also caregivers for Bill’s 91 year old parents) Pam seeks to follow in the footsteps of the Proverbs 31 woman and often encourages herself and others by cheering out positive and practical inspirations like, “You CAN Get It Done, Girl!”  Join the Living Love-Wise Community  for extra ongoing enrichments from the Farrels.


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