Recently, I was sitting in my optometrist’s chair and he was asking the familiar, “Which…
The SECRET to Lasting Love: Have a Marriage Meet Up!
And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. – Colossians 3:14
Congratulations! You are a top-notch, smart, and wise couple who wants the BEST for your life and love! You are a dedicated couple, and your decision to be proactive will bless and build your marriage, family and future!
We have seen the power of being proactive in marriage. Our newest book for couples: Marriage Meet Ups His and Hers 52 week devotional planner was written in celebration of our 40th wedding anniversary and released shortly after our 41st anniversary! We highly recommend this process to you because weekly strategy sessions have kept us on the same page for 4 decades! People often ask us, “What is the secret to your long lasting love?” Honestly, one of the vital components has been our weekly, “Monday Morning Marriage Meeting” We finally wrote up the well-honed weekly worksheets we have used for decades, added in the best of the devotional and practical resources we have used to stay connected, in love, and productive! We have also added the extra resources that have helped us develop a strong family even while living a full, busy and focused life. We also share the “back stage pass” of helpful hints that keep us laughing, enjoying life and most of all– overcoming obstacles, creatively conquering conflict and tackling tough transitions TOGETHER!
We know that our emotions follow our decisions so part of romancing your spouse is finding a way to make great choices together. We
are convinced that couples who have a weekly Marriage Meet Up will:
- Gain insights into how your spouse likes to live — and love.
- Have productive conversations that minimize conflict, lower stress and raise the enjoyment level of your love and life.
- Make decisions together that maximize emotional, spiritual and physical connection.
- Improve conversations about money and financial choices.
- Boost productivity so you each get more done at work, home, or ministry.
- Delegate well so things do not fall through the cracks of a busy life.
- Nurture your relationship and create more time for the happy side of marriage, romance, and intimacy
- Move forward TOGETHER in unity.
- Strengthen your spiritual life together as you draw you closer to God and your partner.
- Protect the fun side of marriage and family life with focused problem-solving sessions.
- Avoid burying issues or neglecting vital (but sometimes boring or more volatile) issues.
- Replace negative, dysfunctional patterns with more healthy, positive and affirming ways of interaction.
- Navigate family, parenting and marriage responsibilities with clarity and appreciation.
- Ensure there is “couple time” even on those difficult or hectic weeks.
- Achieve more goals and foster a personal sense of success.
- Develop habits that safeguard your long-lasting lifetime of love.
Are those a few of the desires on your hearts?
We can help. We have seen these weekly Marriage Meet Ups WORK WELL to move couples– including ourselves—forward, upward, and onward toward creating the marriage you have hoped and dreamed of having.
Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. –
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Bill and Pam Farrel are authors of 52 books, including Marriage Meet Ups: a 52 week His and Her set devotional planner for couples that want purpose, passion and productivity. They currently reside in a 300 Square foot RV and provide full time care for Bill’s 91 year old parents (during the pandemic to keep them safe). They have seen the principles, skills and habits in the Marriage Meet Ups lower stress and raise their enjoyment level– even in these unusual time and in this unique space. They look forward to returning to life on their live aboard boat docked in Southern California. Even while they are “sheltering in place”, they enjoy kayaking, paddle boarding, biking, and their daily sunset prayer walks. They look forward to returning to travel for speaking at live events worldwide– and to visit their far flung family. They are Co-Directors of Love-Wise and invite you to become a member of the Living Love-Wise Community!
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