Recently, I was sitting in my optometrist’s chair and he was asking the familiar, “Which…
The Good Life!
Need more good news? me too!
I was thumbing through the card rack in the pharmacy this week and say first hand our desire to send good and comforting news to one another, especially in difficult or turbulent times. A few of the sentiments included:
The world is pretty wonky right now
Feeling like you’ve been through the spin cycle?
Remember life is tough
Some days it’s just one thing after another
What doesn’t kills you makes you stronger– except bears, they will kill you.
Yes, we live in a world hungry for a little good news!
What is good? In Genesis 1, we see this word good repeated over and over in the creation account.
And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good… (Genesis 1:3-4)
After God created something, He saw it was “good.” Then as he wrapped up creation with man then woman and God said,
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31)
When you dig into the original meaning of this Hebrew word tob, it can be summed up with the kind of life God wants to create, from day one, and now in your life. God wants to give a Tob or good life: all that is beautiful, bountiful, best, and blessed.
In the New Testament, the most used Greek word for “good” is agathos, good that steps up and elevates. Good is admirable, excelling, distinguished, and honorable. Again, God wants to help you become good, and the kind of life He wants to create in you and through you is an excellent version of good.
God’s desire to create a good life for you is good news!
This does not mean that life isn’t a challenge, or that you will not experience hurt or pain, rather it means:
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)
This good life is only possible through Jesus. In my most recent release, Discovering the Good News In John: A Creative Bible Study Experience, I share my devotional encouragment in the weekly inspiration that gives a glimpse of Jesus through the names He is called in the Gospel of John:
- Son of God
- Bread of Life
- Gate of the Sheep
- Good Shepherd
- Resurrection and Life
- Way, Truth and Life
- Vine
- Light
- Love
- I AM —everything you need in life, Jesus says, “I AM” is the answer!
Which name of Jesus resonates with you today? Tonight, light a candle and play worship music, then thank Jesus, who came to give you the good life!
More Good News!
I also want to personally invite you to join my upcoming INTERACTIVE online Zoom Bible Study where we will journey together throguh the book of John and foster MORE Good News in our lives!
The study will be 8 sessions on Mondays beginning Monday May 1st at 6pm PT. Our time together will include a zoom teaching session with me teaching through the Amazon bestseller, Discovering Good News In John: A Creative Bible Study Experience, then we will enjoy a time of delightful discussion and dialogue.
John is a book of the bible central to getting to know Christ better and walking out the Christian life in victory. If you would like to thrive in life, grow closer to Christ, learn practical truths to strengthen your everyday life and relationships, then please join this weekly Zoom interactive study.
Here are several choices to be a part. Select the one that best fits your life
Discovering Good News Bible Study book PLUS class fee $40
Class Fee only (because you already own the Discovering Good News in John book) $25
Deluxe Bundle (all 4 of the Discovering bible studies PLUS current discount Good News Class fee) $80
Bible studies in Deluxe Bundle:

Discovering Hope in the Psalms
Discovering Joy in Philippians
Discovering Jesus in the Old Testament
Discovering Good News In John
After you register, a confirmation email will be sent to your email address and will include the zoom link. Then the week before the start date, you will receive a reminder email with more details and the zoom link to join May 1 at 6pm PT (7 pm MT, 8 pm CT, 9 pm ET) Each zoom session will be approximately 45 minutes (the teaching and discussion combined) It is a wonderful time to grow closer to God, get to know me and enjoy fellowship with other like-minded Bible loving women.
I look forward to this time with you! Please register now.
Praying God’s abundant life over you!
“…I (Jesus) came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].”
(John 10:10b AMP)
Pam Farrel
Author of 58 books
Co-Director of Love-Wise
Pam Farrel, Jean E. Jones, and Karla Dornacher, Discovering Good News in John: A Creative Bible Study Experience (Oxnard, CA: Love-Wise, 2023).
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