“Arlene, you and Dr. Gary Chapman have a tow book set Screen Kids and Grandparenting Screen Kids what caused you to team to write this timely set?
The overuse of technology was a problem for kids before the pandemic – and now screen time has skyrocketed even higher. Dr. Chapman and I want to educate parents about what screen time is doing to the brain and to relationships. We know the average parent or grandparent doesn’t have the time to research this topic, so we’ve gathered timely research together for this book to bring it to a level that everyone and anyone can access. We need to be educated…and then motivated to create healthy habits around our tech use. Kids are being discipled by media, Instagram stars, and YouTube videos instead of their parents, and too many kids are drifting away from faith in God.
“You and your family just released a new movie, Screen Kids: In their Own Words, that features your three children. Tell us the backstory. Who first brought up the idea? How did your kids feel about being featured in a movie?”
This was an upside of being at home during the COVID year! With the kids at home, I realized it was the perfect time to interview them and make the film. I also know that I as an adult can share about our screen time rules, but it is totally different when you hear a child or teen talk about it. They were willing to share and were troopers through the videotaping. But they are definitely reluctant “stars” – like most teenagers, they get a little embarrassed by any extra attention. They haven’t even seen the film yet (because let’s face it, who likes to watch themselves on camera!). Watch Movie Trailer
“If you could give parents and grandparents ONE TIP to help kids and teens have more REAL TIME relationships and experiences and less screen time, what is your top tip to help draw kids away from so much screen time?”
The ONE TIP would be to make the bedroom screen-free overnight so your kids and teens can get a good night’s sleep (and not engage in activity in the middle of the night on the phone which usually leads to unhealthy relationships and anxiety).
“On the marriage front, what is a favorite date option(s) of you and James that does NOT involve a screen?”
Eating at a restaurant is always one of my favorite things to do. We like to go rowing on a lake near our home – that’s always a great date. We’ve gone to get foot massages together, sitting side by side while getting a massage which is always fun.
Download the movie, pop some popcorn, and watch as a family then discuss how YOUR family wants to manage their digital devices to create a nurturing home environment where everyone finds peace and reaches his or her personal potential. |
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