Recently, I was sitting in my optometrist’s chair and he was asking the familiar, “Which…
Happy JOYful Mother’s Day: A gift for mom from Pam and Bill Farrel
Love is expressed in many ways. While I am writing this quick note to you, my husband is working hard to remodel his mom’s kitchen. One of my sons is doing yard work and planting flowers as a gift to his mother-in-law.
Sometimes love is expressed in words. On occasion when my sons ask what I would like as a Mother’s Day gift, I usually reply, “Words that make me cry happy tears” (Reminder: Call your mom!)
Last week, Bill and I were watching our grandkids because their parents had work obligations that had them both out of town for a few days at the same time. We enjoyed taking the grands on wagon rides, to Chick-Fil-A for the climbing play yard, pushed them on the swings, jumped on the trampoline and read picture books—we had a grand time with the grands! However, at bedtime, or if there was a scratch or tumble our three-year-old didn’t cry out for us she cried, “M-O-M-M-Y!!!!”
There is just something special about MOM.
To celebrate Mother’s Day, and the release of our newest book, (THIS Tuesday May 14) my co-author, Karla Dornacher created a downloadable card that you can have the children of your family fill out (or we grownups can fill it out and send to our mom too) Mom, you bring JOY to my life by: (then fill in the blanks and THANK your mother). Our three-year-old granddaughter says her mom brings her joy because “She gives me kisses, takes me to church and brings me presents!” Click here to download the MOM Day card.
Order Discovering Joy in Philippians: A Creative Devotional Experience $16
Gift options: Hope and Joy duo $28;
Discovering Joy in Philippians AND new Joy Journal combo (Harvest House and Love-Wise Publishing); $20
Bulk buy for ALL the Women in your world, or for a small group Bible Study (case of 18 for $210 – a $78 savings!)
Use code: JOYnow thru May 16 for 10% discount on all Farrel books (And remember if you are a Living Love-Wise member, you ALWAYS have a discount, just login before ordering)
JOY- Filled Future
To help the women in your life find and hold on to joy, give them the gift of spending time with Jesus through diving deeper into the Bible in an enJOYable way! On Tuesday, May 14, I will be hosting a Joy Jubilee ONLINE book release celebrationat 6:06pm PT on the Bill and Pam Farrel Facebook page. I will do a series of “Take 2” mini parties at: 2:06, 3:06, 4:06 and 5:06 with cheery two minutes devotionals and giveaways. Then at 6:06pm PT, I will do a walk through of our new book, Discovering Joy in Philippians: A Creative Devotional Experience, a JOY-filled Bible teaching, a FUN interactive Q and A , I will give some downloadables as my gift for virtually attending, and we will have LOTS of prizes and giveaways! Please share the invitation on your social media—the more the merrier! (You are welcome to come to my co-author’s parties too: Jean E. Jones Wednesday May 15, Karla Dornacher on Thursday May 16)
Looking for my BEST FRIENDS — I need a little help with getting the WORD OUT on our release of newest book Discovering Joy in Philippians: A Creative Bible Devotional Experience(releases Tuesday May 14) If you are willing to give just a couple minutes a few times a week for the next few weeks I would be SOOOOOOO grateful. Click link to sign up: Then we can add you to the Share the Joy Street Team Facebook Group
In Philippians 2:28- 29 Paul shares:
Therefore, I am all the more eager to send him (Epaphroditus), so that when you see him again you may be glad, and I may have less anxiety. So then, welcome him in the Lord with great joy, and honor people like him,
Seeing an encourager face to face in person brings EVERYONE JOY!. We would LOVE to see you Live and In Person at one of these coming events:
May 12 Pam and Bill speak together for Mother’s Day May 12 at New Venture Christian Fellowship
May 18/19 Bill and Pam speak at CornerstoneLiving Love-Wise Relationship Conference May 18 (and in church May 19)
May 28 Bill speaks at New Venture Christian Fellowship
June 13 Pam speaks at Joy Jubilee Live – book release party and celebration of her birthday! ew Venture Christian Fellowship at 6:30 (registration link coming next week!)
June 16-22 Pam and Bill speak at Forest Home Family conference
June 22 Pam keynotes at Southern California Christian Writer’s Conference(Have a book in you? Attend the whole conference June 20-22 Register this weekend and use code MOTHER to save 12%)
Our God-Sized JOY
This week we were overJOYED when we got the news that Discovering Joy in Philippianswas #1 on Amazon in New Testament Bible Studies!
Joy is a natural result when you and God have been teaming together for many long months or years toward a goal, or something you have spent many days and nights praying for becomes a reality. Paul’s encouragement on prayer is now one of the most quoted and beloved verses:
Do not be anxious for anything but in every situation, by PRAYER and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and minds in Christ Jesus(Phil 4:6-7)
Praying this for you verse from Philippians 3:1 NLT for you and those you love:
Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. I never get tired of telling you these things, and I do it to safeguard your faith.
Safeguard your faith with JOY!
God bless you, your mom, and all those you love,
Pam and Bill Farrel
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