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Courage You Can Count On “A joyful heart is good medicine…” (Proverbs 17:22) I love being the mother to three sons. I am thrilled to be the wife of Bill—going on 39 years now! And a great, surprisingly wonderful gift, dropped from heaven is…

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Dream Again! Dream Anew!

Guest blog: Former journalist Nancy Gavilanes was called by God to leave her promising career to encourage others to step into their God-given destiny and make a difference in the world. In her book, God-Given Dreams, she speaks directly to…

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Going Home

Mark 2:1 “A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home.” I was stopped in my tracks as I read this verse today. The Savior of the world had come home. I know theologically that Jesus led a life just like ours and that he lived to give us an example of how men who truly know God live. Seeing it lived out in such an ordinary way, however, was stunning to me.

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Keep Hope Alive!

In today’s world, it is very easy to get depressed, discouraged and down-trodden. Frightening headlines blast the worst possible scenarios into our homes. The stress of daily responsibilities and providing for our families weighs heavy on our hearts. If that…

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