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Brave? How to Become a Brave New Woman



Watching the new Disney Pixar movie, Brave, I was inspired by one of the last lines of the movie, “The fate of our lives are within us; we just need to brave enough to see it.”  That reminded me of one of my favorite verses, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Eph 2:10 NASB) God created an adventure or each of us! He has called us into this adventure and to walk it, we need to become BRAVE! It takes a courageous heart of faith to walk out your God-given adventure!

In the movie, Brave, the main character is a young princess named Merida who prefers an adventurous life complete with a bow and arrow over settling down—but she and her parents see life differently. Without revealing more of the plot, she does discover the real meaning of bravery—but she first goes to the wrong kind of sources, which causes all kinds of chaos. Grown women today often look to the similar false supplies of courage: palm readers, psychics, tarot cards, horoscopes—or even a buffet of motivation speakers who say things like “Look to your inner strength”. “ You are your own God”, or “ You are master of your own destiny”.

There is a dilemma–while doing research for the writing of my book, Becoming a Brave New Woman, I discovered research like 90% of the thoughts women have about themselves are negative! And even a bad hair day can set a woman back (yes, there is scientific evidence on that!)  So women do need courage, confidence and in a world with the heart-stopping headlines like we see daily, we need to learn to become BRAVE.

In Becoming a Brave New Woman, I suggest, “Nothing is more vital, more central to your self-confidence than your confidence in God”. I like to say, “Show me the size of your God, I will show you the size of your confidence; BIG God, BIG confidence. BIG God, BIG courage. BIG God, BIG bravery!”  See, when we look to our own power to be brave we see we are limited, but when we depend on God’s power, His is limitless. That is why the Bible has bravery building verses like:

I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me . . . (Phil 4:13)

Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37)

Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through
Him Who loved us. (Romans 8:37 AMP)

In Becoming a Brave New Woman, I layout the STEP method of stepping into your God-given

Speak the Adventure

Team Up for the Adventure

Energize the Adventure

Push the Adventure

It also has “winning ways” which helps a woman apply what she is learning, with activities and
discussion. I encourage women to have an adventure team (or if you will, brave buddies), so grab some girlfriends, read the book in your book club, Bible study, or with a mentor (or mentee) and become brave together! To help you, “winning words” are included in each chapter. These are personalized prayers of scripture strung together by topic to help a woman get a bigger, more accurate view of God. Finally, Becoming a Brave New Woman includes “winning wisdom”, empowering quotes to post on your mirror, desk or refrigerator.

Don’t let fear stop you from achieving God’s adventure for your life, grab hold of our big God and Become a Brave New Woman!

Becoming a Brave New Woman is available as an ebook or get an autographed copy at . I pray over each copy of Brave New Woman my ministry sends out—I pray with God’s help, you and I will be BRAVE!

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